These two dinosaurs weigh the same as Peyton and Chloe, so I took a picture of them.
Chloe and her boyfriend, Uncle Chuck.
Nana and the kids.
This place was all dark and had blue stars all around, the kids were afraid because the place was all pitch black, so Chuck had to hold him and walk through it.
I would have given my left kidney to see this foot come alive and start moving to scare the heck out of these kids!!
My mom, Chuck and I took the kids to the Dinosaur Museum while we were in Utah for my birthday. They had a lot of fun. Got to go through a little cave and see all the bones from many dinosaurs. And me and chuck even had fun reading all the facts.
Could you imagine if that foot did start moving! I think I would've laughed for the rest of my life, especially if it was caught on camera. I love the top picture of you and chuck, very UTAHISH! You guys look great.
Could you imagine if that foot did start moving! I think I would've laughed for the rest of my life, especially if it was caught on camera. I love the top picture of you and chuck, very UTAHISH! You guys look great.