Sunday, November 7, 2010

Annual Halloween Bash!

We went as ourselves for Halloween.
This is my cool pumpkin up close. I used red sprinkles to put on the mouth for blood and saved some of my gooey stuff for around the mouth and inside.
My mom went dressed up as a bag lady! Pretty clever.
Buzz, my sister Jenny and me.
Mine, Candy's, Charlotte's, Chucks (his had so many warts on it) and the winner!!! (bottom right) was my brother Chris's. His best friend happened to be the judge, so he was impeached!!
All a glow, at Halloween.
My sister Jenny and husband did a really awesome thing with their pumpkin and made a Rat Resort. I think they should have won for Best Costume Design! Better luck next year.
My pumpkin. It came in 2nd, but it sure didnt win the $40 up for grabs! I thought it was the best job I ever did. I didn't even use a stencil either. Chuck was actually shocked because I dont have a creative bone in my body.
Buzz Lightyear, to the rescue and beyond!!
Buzz and me. He loves me so much!! Yea he tells me all about his day and wants me to be his godparent more so than uncle Chris.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pumpkin! That is very creative and yes, I think it should've won too :)
    Your mom's costume is hilarious and so easy. I'll have to think about that one for next year.
